Payday loans are a popular form of borrowing, but they don’t have the best reputation. Why is this? For the most part, payday loans get a bad rap because of the unscrupulous tactics of a handful of lenders that give the rest of the industry a bad name. In addition, some customers dive into payday loans without fully understanding what they’re getting into, which leaves some borrowers with a bad taste in their mouths. So are payday loans really all that bad? In this post, we’ll answer that question and try to provide some insight into why payday loans have such a negative stigma.
At Today's Financial Services, you can be confident that we pride ourselves on providing the best Florida Payday Loans at the lowest rates. We also work with the State of Florida data base, so our customers are governed to only one active loan in the State of Florida. Because our customers payoff their loans in full on their next paydate, they are not subject to pay fee after fee like other companies who allow rollovers. In conclusion, all payday loan lenders are not alike and we want to point out to you that there are many payday loan companies that are providing great services to many customers who are in need of a quick short term loan solution.