Fees charged on payday loans are generally fixed ones. Still, they may change—ranging from $10-30 for every $100 that you borrow. These fees will depend on the individual lender and the maximum amount of payday loan that can originate in a given state.
If you want to renew or roll over your loan, you’ll then be required to bear an extra charge for that as well, while still owing the full principal balance amount. Apart from that, if you fail to repay your loans on time, then your lender might charge you with a late fine or a returned check fee. Again, these charges will depend on the payday lending laws prevalent in the state you live in.
Finally, if you want your payday loans to be loaded onto a prepaid debit card, then you’ll have to consider additional costs for that as well. Take for instance, fees to put the loan money on the card, fees to pay for checking your balance, or getting help from a customer service representative and the like. Knowledge about these costs will help you, so that you don’t get into payday loan debt unnecessarily.
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