What is a car title loan? Whether you’ve got the funds or not, the bills don’t stop piling up. Unexpected expenses are coming left and right and can leave you feeling stressed and helpless. If you’re in this situation, a car title loan might be a great option for you to get back on your feet without late payment or bounced-check fees. Today’s Financial Services offers car title loans in Florida at low interest rates when you’re in need of money fast.
Car Title Loan Requirements
You have the choice to receive the money in a check on-the-spot or have it deposited into your checking account. Interest rates are as low as 2.19% per month, making these loans a great choice when you need a short-term solution to your financial problems. Today’s Financial Services can get you the money you need in as little as 15 minutes, and it even has a drive-up window in Fort Lauderdale that specializes in title loans.
Today’s Financial Services provides short-term car title loans across the state of Florida as a licensed lender under Florida’s Consumer Finance Statute 516. By law, when you agree to a car title loan, you will receive a written agreement outlining the terms for the amount you borrowed and the interest rate that you’ll be charged.
There are no credit checks to get approved for these short-term loans, and you can pay back the money in 12 payments. You’ll also be able to drive your car during your entire repayment period.
You don’t have to feel helpless in financially troubling situations, because Today’s Financial Services has solutions. Contact us today at 888-573-0132 if you have questions about the loan process or wish to receive a quote. You can also visit our Facebook to learn more about our company or write a review about your experience.